There are several factors to consider when choosing play equipment for your playground (legeredskaber til legeplads). These factors include the exit region, Critical height factor, Grades of challenge, and inclusiveness. Here are some tips to consider:

Exit region

A child’s safety is a priority, which is why Exit Regions of play equipment are so critical. The Exit Region of a slide or other piece of play equipment is the part of the slide where a child’s head, neck, and clothing can get pinned or caught. According to the Handbook for Public Playground Safety, the area surrounding an exit region of a slide should be at least four times the height of its top rail. In addition, swings and slides should be located toward the side or corner of the play space. An additional rule for slides is that the exit region must be at least six feet away from the bottom of the slide or other slide that can cause injury.

When choosing the surface of a playground, make sure it is shock absorbing. Use a loose-fill type that meets ASTM F1292-09 standards for surfacing under play equipment. You can also choose resilient surfacing based on the type of use the equipment will receive. The standard requires that the surface be designed to reduce impact energy by 200G or higher. It is not appropriate to use organic materials for this purpose.

Critical height factor

The Critical Height Factor (CHF) of play equipment for playgrounds is a crucial safety consideration. Falls on playground equipment account for more than 200,000 hospital visits each year, many of which result in traumatic brain injuries. Meeting ASTM standards is one way to prevent these injuries and save children’s lives. The following guidelines outline the CHF for playground equipment. This information will also help you decide which equipment is right for your play area.

To determine how high a piece of play equipment is, the manufacturer will conduct a series of tests on it. The first test will involve dropping a head-form on the playground surface. The second test involves dropping the head form from increasing heights. The heights at which the head-form hits the playground surface will determine how thick of a protective system should be. In addition to this, the CFH of a swingset will be determined based on the pivot point.


Inclusiveness in playground design is a key factor in ensuring an inclusive space. Inclusive play environments support diverse social opportunities, promote cooperative play, and encourage five senses. Sensory stimulation, such as a sandbox or bell, helps kids work through their discoveries while burning off excess energy. By following these guidelines, playgrounds can help children of different abilities enjoy their playground. And if your space is not inclusive, make sure your facilities are accessible to people with disabilities.

It is important to consider children with disabilities when designing playgrounds. Children have different needs and abilities, but their desire to play is universal. The inclusive design promotes a playground environment that welcomes all users, regardless of their ability. By incorporating ramps and varying inclusive play components, inclusive playgrounds promote an environment that is inclusive to all. For example, a playground designed to accommodate wheelchair users should be accessible to all children.


Keeping children safe when playing on a playground is a top priority. Playground injuries are the number one cause of emergency room visits for children under the age of 15. Fortunately, most playground injuries can be prevented by following a few guidelines. Playground surfaces should be free of water and free from tripping hazards. Playground equipment should be located on loose-fill surfaces at least 30 cm deep. In addition, tripping hazards should be avoided as much as possible.

It’s important to install protective surfacing underneath the play equipment, such as rubber. The surfacing should be at least 12 inches thick and covered with safety-tested rubber. In addition, playground surfaces should be free of cracks or visible signs of wear and tear. Also, be sure to check for any hardware that can cause a hazard. If in doubt, contact the playground owner. If you’re installing playground equipment yourself, look for manufacturers’ installation instructions, which are often available in a customized manual.

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