packaging materials

While you might have already shifted from one place to another or planning to move, the most important thing which is necessary to make your move an easy and comfortable one is the packaging materials. But, do you know that not all packaging materials in the UK are same and therefore they all have different parts to play. The various kinds of packaging materials are divided into three types which is primary, secondary and tertiary. So here in this article we will discuss what are the three types of packaging materials and how can these materials be used to optimise your logistics. Also, you will get a brief idea about how can you make a safe shifting or boost your logistics with the help of these packaging materials.

Understanding the Packaging Hierarchy

Before we understand the various uses of these packaging materials, lets understand what are the various kinds and how can they be use.

  • Primary Packaging– The Frontline Heroes- The primary packaging materials are those which provide your products with the first line of defence. They act as shield and keep all your items safe from all kinds of damage and maintains the integrity of your items. The primary packaging materials also make the carrying easy and convenient. Polythene bags or plastic carries bags are the best example of primary packaging.
  • Secondary Packaging- Secondary packaging as the name suggests, is made to add an extra layer of protection to all your items. The secondary packaging materials are strong, sturdy and something which has the ability to save all your products from any kind of damage. The single and double walled cardboard removal boxes act as the secondary packaging materials.
  • Tertiary packaging– These packaging materials are those which are used to move your items on a large scale. In the context of moving a house, these tertiary packaging materials are those in which will act as guardian of your shipments. Heavy duty moving house boxes will serve the purpose of the tertiary packaging materials. They will not only add and extra layer of protection to your boxes but also make it an easy process to shift your items from one place to the other.

Optimising Logistics with the Right Packaging

Now that your already know what are the various kinds of packaging materials, lets understand how can they help in optimising your logistics

  1. Reduce transportation costs– If you make sure that you buy the right kind of cardboard crates or boxes, it will significantly reduce your transportation costs. These crates will get your boxes organised on the truck or the vehicle moving your products and therefore a better organisation will end up in creating more space on these trucks.
  2. Minimise damage– Proper secondary packaging materials such as cardboard boxes will help in making your move a hassle-free affair. These kinds of packaging materials serve the purpose of keeping all your items intact and thereby save them from any kind of damage.
  3. Streamline inventory management– These boxes can often be used for imprinting the bar codes and other important information on the boxes. This makes the contents and the quantities of items placed inside clear to anyone who is handling the products. Whether the item is fragile which needs to be handled with care of if they have certain kinds of materials which are small in size but heavy in weight, every important information like these can be easily provided on the boxes.

Summing Up

Achieving perfection is a forever journey and the industry of packaging materials is constantly trying to achieve it. Today, there are various kinds of packaging materials available which adds to the multiple layers of protection and thereby makes your shifting and easy and smooth process. You can order these packaging materials either online and get them delivered to your doorsteps or alternatively, you can also visit the physical stores and buy them by physically having a look at the sizes which you might require to place your items into. All you need to do is see that you pay attention to the quality and get the best quality of packaging materials delivered which will keep you free from any kind of tension while the items are in transit.

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