Gingival Depigmentation – Don’t Hide Your Smile Anymore

Gingival Depigmentation

It’s true that you are what you eat, but your gums are actually more reflective of your overall health than any diet or health regimen. Gingival Depigmentation – The gums are a component of your smile. And if they’re dark or splotchy, you may feel shy about them. Even if you have shiny, straight, white teeth, gum discoloration can make you reluctant to smile. So how do you fix this? If the dentist has recommended bleaching as part of your treatment plan, read on to learn about this effective procedure and its benefits!

What Is Gingival Depigmentation?

The gums are a component of your smile. And if they’re dark or splotchy, you may feel shy about them. Even if you have shiny, straight, white teeth, gum discoloration can make you reluctant to smile.
Aesthetic dentistry has come so far in recent years that there are now procedures to lighten and brighten the color of your gums. Gingival depigmentation is an affordable treatment that can be done in just one visit and without any downtime! The process involves applying a special gel to the gum tissue which breaks down the pigments associated with darker colors and effectively lightens them.

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How Can I Fix My Uneven Or Uneven-Looking Smile?

If your gums are dark, uneven or splotchy, you may be considering gingival depigmentation treatment. This procedure can help to lighten the color of your gum tissue and make it more uniform in appearance. Plus, if you have uneven teeth, it can even out the color between them. If you’re ready to get started on the process of getting your smile brightened up without harsh chemicals or invasive procedures, read on for some important information about what this process entails.

What Causes The Problem?

The gums are a component of your smile. And if they’re dark or splotchy, you may feel shy about them. Even if you have shiny, straight, white teeth, gum discoloration can make you reluctant to smile. Gingival depigmentation is a procedure that can help to lighten these areas and give the gums a more natural appearance.

Are There Any Negative Side Effects?

Gums that have been depigmented will be sensitive to cold temperatures. And some patients have an increased risk of gum disease because the top layer of tissue that protects the gums from bacteria is gone. Debris can also settle in between the tooth and gum, which may lead to additional sensitivity and discomfort. Painless tooth decay can occur due to exposed roots, while gaps between the teeth can allow bacteria to build up on your teeth, leading to cavities and bad breath.

How Do I Get Started With The Process?

The first step in the process is to undergo a dental examination. The dentist will then take a scraping from the gums and examine them under a microscope for any signs of fungus or bacteria. If there are no indications of either, you may be able to use an over-the-counter whitening product that contains bleaching agents such as hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. These will work by breaking down stains on the surface of the teeth and gums. If your dentist determines that you have gum disease, they may recommend laser treatment instead. This procedure can be done at the same time as your next cleaning, without any downtime in between.

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Is This Procedure Painful?

The gums are a component of your smile. And if they’re dark or splotchy, you may feel shy about them. Even if you have shiny, straight, white teeth, gum discoloration can make you reluctant to smile.
But now there’s a procedure that can help. Gingival depigmentation is a cosmetic dental technique that removes the dark stains on your gumline and makes your teeth look whiter and brighter in only one appointment. It’s not painful or invasive like other procedures such as teeth whitening or veneers. The results last for years and make smiles look bright again! If you’re interested in learning more about this procedure, contact us today for an appointment with Dr. Logan at 512-591-1085!

What Should I Expect During My First Appointment?

Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gums caused by bacterial plaque and tartar buildup. Gingivitis can cause a thinning of gum tissue, which may lead to darkening or lightening of the gum color. The gums are a component of your smile. And if they’re dark or splotchy, you may feel shy about them.

When Will I See The Results?

Typically, you will see results in 1 to 2 weeks. However, it is important to note that the darker your gums are, the longer it will take for them to lighten up. You may need a series of treatments for an even and long-lasting result. You can also maintain your results with periodic touch-ups if needed.

How Long Does This Take To Perform?

Gingival depigmentation is a cosmetic procedure that involves the use of lasers to lighten the color of gum tissue. This procedure takes about two hours and is performed in our office with a local anesthetic. It can take up to four weeks for your teeth to return to normal color and sensitivity levels following treatment. The procedure is used on people who have moderate or severe gum discoloration, which has a negative effect on their self-confidence. Gingival depigmentation can be completed using laser therapy, but we also offer IPL treatments. You may need more than one session of treatment, depending on your specific needs and skin tone.


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