Gastronomical Indulges: The path to food explorations

Gastronomical Indulges: The path to food explorations

On the path to becoming a food bon vivant, one needs to give way to more and more food experiments and indulge in various cuisines from across the globe. The more you explore in terms of food and culture it is not just that you build up an incredible and diversified food palate but also gain knowledge regarding the food practices around the world. The urge to satisfy the appetite with good food can lead one to various destinations like trying out unique recipes, laying the dish for a little-known cuisine, or visiting various restaurants and cafes to enjoy the bounteous spread. Of late, there is a rise in the number of social media communities specifically for Foodies, where food lovers can share their common love for foods and their recent food explorations. 

When we speak of food in general, it may come across as the most important aspect of survival. But now we are living in a world where two parallel scenarios can be encountered, one where man is still fighting the odds to bring a bouffage to the plate and the other where a delectable spread and frequent hops to restaurants are a regular thing. Well, keeping these discomforting thoughts aside, when we discuss food for the Zoomers than it is more about Food Pictures for social platforms for sharing.

For a food lover exploring various cuisines can be a way to diversify the palate with some gastronomical experiments. However, what food exploration brings with it is a space to identify with various cultures and ethics as the study of the food patterns and habits of a community reveals a lot about them. If considered from a broader perspective then food is multidimensional as it shapes us, our identity, our culture, and also society. 

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Food as an Identity 

In most cases, food is directly related to the identity of a country or to be more specific, we name cuisines in the name of the country of their origin and which reflects the tastes and ingredients most popular in the place. Food is thus a trope for the countries it represents, such as the mention of basil, mozzarella cheese, and tomato projects the image of a pizza, and one can directly relate it to the taste of Italy. Similarly, when spices like turmeric, cumin, or cardamon are mentioned, Indian foods can be imagined. So as a matter of fact foods have successfully constructed an identity for the entire nation and represent it well enough in plates of bouffage.

Digging deeper into the history and evolution of food, we can come across the significance of religion in the evolution of food. Just as food shapes a nation and its identity, similarly enough food has also evolved for generations of trial and tested method that is based on the geographical location, availability of ingredients, climatic influence, and religious significance. The Muslims fast during the daylight hours and eat only at dawn and after sunset during the Ramadan month, some conservative Jew follow strict dietary rules, whereas many followers of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism are hardcore vegeteraians. All these religious laws shape the food pattern of a community and that in the long run happens to reflect their religious identity. 

However, these religious prescriptions are not the only ones that shape the cuisines of a particular community, as already pointed out there are many such norms that guide the evolution of food. 

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Food Etiquette

However, being Foodies, you are also expected to garner enough knowledge about the food etiquette that comes with different cuisines. But did you know that food etiquettes are also highly influenced by the cultural aspects of a community? Well, that’s true. When in most Western countries food etiquette is related to table manners, where you are expected to follow certain rules when eating with a company. Whereas in most eastern countries it is about either eating with hand or chopsticks and the posture and method are what remain important. Food etiquettes on the other hand also broaden to the use of cutleries, utensils, and serve ware, which directly reflects the culture of a particular community. 

But, of late, everything from the food etiquettes to the food patterns has undergone significant evolution with time. Keeping up with the fast-paced lives, the fast-food concept has evolved where the dedicated eating time is replaced by the idea of munching while traveling in the struggle to cope with the running time. There are also major evolutions in terms of diet foods and cutting down on sugar where the conventional food items have witnessed a twist in the preparation and the taste. 

Final Word

However, whatever can be the change, but being a food bon vivant what matters most is to taste and try good food to live a delicious life. And to keep up with the world of “like, comment, share” it is important to click Food Pictures for uploading and sharing your food aficionado with the foodie community. And if you are an enthusiast hunt for the cultural, geographical, religious, and climatic influence that shaped a particular cuisine. 


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