Top 12 Blockchain App Development Languages

Blockchain App Development
Blockchain App Development

Blockchain programming language is one of the significant technological trends of recent years. Be it cryptocurrencies, supply chain tracking apps, or smart contracts. Blockchain app development is a promising solution for many use cases in both the public blockchain space and enterprise solutions. Over the years, this technology has helped alleviate common problems faced by many businesses.

The blockchain programming language has also been recognized as promising for renovating the entire economy, be it education, legal, travel, or healthcare. Between 2017 and 2020, demand for Blockchain app development services grew by roughly 2000% and became the most valued technology. By 2024, the net worth of the blockchain market is estimated to be around $20 billion.

Due to the high level of security of business transactions, Blockchain technology is widely used in industry; from corporate firms to industrial banks, top mobile app developers of blockchain technology are required everywhere equally. As the Blockchain programming language rules its existence, every tech enthusiast must be familiar with the best programming languages ​​best suited for Blockchain app development services.

Here we have listed some of the best programming languages ​​you can learn to build Blockchain applications. But before that, let’s find out what exactly is Blockchain programming language.

What is blockchain app development?

As the name suggests, Blockchain is a chain of blocks, “blocks” in this context being digital information linked together using cryptography. Each block contains a cryptographic hash function linking the previous block, timestamp, and digital data. These blocks are structured in such a way that the data is difficult to modify, thus ensuring transparency while maintaining security.

Blockchain is identical to security because the manipulation of these blocks is almost impossible. And due to this, this technology is widely spread in areas like banking, finance, etc. In fact, Blockchain app development first became famous when it was used to implement Bitcoin.

Ultimately, people want their money to be safe. And that’s why blockchain app developers are in high demand. Additionally, learning the best programming languages ​​for blockchain development will give you an edge over other developers.

12 Best Programming Languages ​​for Blockchain App Development


C++ is well known throughout the technology world and this is also true for the Blockchain programming language. C++ is popular due to its many skills like motion semantics, advanced multi-threading, primitive memory management, and other object-oriented features like runtime polymorphism, function overloading, etc.

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These various C++ OOPS features allow Blockchain app developers to effortlessly shape data and functions together in a single module, just as Blockchain shapes blocks using cryptographic chains. C++ is also popular with Blockchains like Bitcoin and the very first implementation of Blockchain was primarily written in C++.


Python is quickly becoming the most popular programming language in the tech world. If you are new to Python development experience, this may be the best Blockchain programming language for you. The problem with Python development is that it is an interpreted language, which creates some problems for complex cryptographic operations in the Blockchain. However, Python is an object-oriented language, which helps manage several of its performance-related overheads.

Another advantage of Python is that application developers can quickly prototype their ideas using any lengthy coding. Python also has extensive open-source support, making it ideal for blockchain app development. Many Python libraries, plugins, Python development guides, and other resources are available online for almost every problem you’ll encounter when Blockchain app development.


Java presents stiff competition to C++ in popularity and efficiency in blockchain app development. Java development has a rich application programming interface (API) that includes several Java classes, packages, interfaces, etc. Therefore, it is suitable for creating applications without essentially knowing their internal implementations. Another property of Java useful in Blockchain is its portability.

Java programs can be ported to different platforms thanks to their write-and-run-anywhere functionality. Additionally, these programs are not system-specific architecture-dependent because they use the universal Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to run. This portability, along with other standard features, makes Java ideal for Blockchain app development.


Solidity is the fastest-growing Blockchain programming language designed for writing smart contracts and runs on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). It was founded by Ethereum, which is a blockchain-based platform and operating system for distributed computing. Although Solidity is designed with the Blockchain in mind, it is suitable to address the issues faced by Blockchain developers.

Solidity is developed as an ECMAScript syntax but has useful features like variadic return types, static typing, etc. Therefore, it is a perfect programming language to learn if you want to deeply emphasize Blockchain app development.


Vyper is the latest Blockchain programming language that comes from Python 3. As a result, the Vyper syntax is also an efficient Python 3 syntax, even though Vyper does not have all the features of Python. Vyper is developed as a replacement for Solidity. It is commonly used for Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) as well as Solidity.

However, Vyper has different control structures than Solidity and also handles security issues differently. In addition, Vyper has similar features and properties to OOPS Solidity, such as infinite loops, modifiers, recursive calls, etc. As a result, it helps to avoid security issues that arise due to these features. So if you want a Blockchain programming language for writing smart contracts, check out Vyper.

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JavaScript is the most popular programming language and thanks to NodeJS, a JavaScript runtime, it is quite popular among Blockchain developers. Moreover, they can develop competent and innovative blockchain applications with JavaScript since it is already installed on most systems. So JavaScript has a big advantage over other programming languages ​​because every web system uses JavaScript to some extent.

So JavaScript developers don’t have to worry about embedding when using JavaScript and can focus on the application logic for Blockchain. The Sidechain Development Kit (SDK) allows developers to build and publish their blockchain applications in JavaScript.


Go is an excellent programming language for developing fast and efficient blockchain systems. It is the ideal programming language for creating the hyper ledger fabric that is the basis for Blockchain app development. Since Go is a statically typed and compiled programming language, it is ideal for Blockchain app development.

It also has other performance-enhancing features like generics, classes and inheritance, exceptions, constructors, annotations, etc. Go is also a simple language that can be learned quickly. In addition, there are more than 800,000 developers in the Go language network.


C# is syntactically similar to Java and C++, making it ideal for Blockchain programming. While C# was primarily created only as a Microsoft language, it is now quite popular and considered one of the best Blockchain programming languages. Open-source developers can effortlessly create highly portable code using C# that will work on all devices and various operating systems such as Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, etc.

Furthermore, since C# is an OOPs programming language, Blockchain application developers can maximize performance when developing their next Blockchain. Projects written in C# include Stratis, a Blockchain-as-a-Service provider that enables businesses to effortlessly build applications on Blockchain platforms.


Simplicity is a high-level blockchain app development language designed for smart contracts. It is one of the best programming languages ​​for writing smart contracts for professional and open-source developers. Simplicity is also aimed at reducing the low-level and complex understanding of the Bitcoin script.

By hiding the low-level logic modules from Bitcoin developers, Simplicity improves the working capabilities of Blockchain application developers, helping to create a much faster development period. In addition, Simplicity is compatible with the Elements platform, an open-source Blockchain platform with sidechain knowledge. So blockchain application developers who build sidechains on Elements can also use various features and functions of Simplicity.

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Rholang is the ideal Blockchain programming language for developing smart contracts. This language has a functional approach instead of an object-oriented approach, which is quite useful in solving several blockchain problems. Rholang applications estimate a complete program as a series of functions and solve them sequentially.

Rholang is significantly different from languages ​​like C or Python, which use variables to store data and change the value of variables with time. Therefore, Rholang advocates a functional programming paradigm instead of an object-oriented one, making it the most popular Blockchain app development language in this category.


Rust is the latest blockchain programming language that aims to provide an open-source capability to develop fast and efficient blockchain systems. Rust is perfect when it comes to CPU-bound tasks. With Rust for Blockchain app development, you can choose either a functional or an imperative approach.

It is one of the best blockchain programming languages ​​due to its competent handling of mutable states. In addition, the Rust compiler offers amazing optimization of your Blockchain. The fast, secure, and synchronized nature of this Blockchain coding language makes it best suited for real-world blockchain app development.


Another emerging Blockchain programming language, Scilla, is maintained by Zilliqa and aims to reduce security risks and provide formal verification for smart contracts. These proper validations offer static guarantees to smart contracts before committing them to the blockchain.

Scilla reduces the occurrence of error codes and also reduces the requirement for wide audibility. Additionally, the mid-level Blockchain coding language is compiled into bytecodes and is therefore highly portable.

What do you need to learn to start developing blockchain?

The answer to this question is too broad. Let’s look at some basic points:-

  • Strong knowledge of blockchain development, i.e. its features and popular platforms.
  • Responding to system-wide points of failure.
  • Knowledge of top blockchain programming languages.
  • Understanding of popular cryptocurrencies and the concept of cryptocurrency mining.
  • Background in web development, security, and networking.

What programming languages ​​does Blockchain use?

There are plenty of programming languages ​​that can be used for Blockchain development, including primitives like C++, Java, JavaScript, and Python, and newcomers like Solidity, Scilla, and Rust.

Are blockchain developers in demand?

Yes, blockchain developers are in high demand. The need for blockchain developers in 2020 was 517% higher than in 2019. And this number is sure to grow in the future.


It is easy to predict that Blockchain technology will continue to transform the way data and assets are transferred in modern enterprises. It will have a massive impact on large companies such as the banking industry and large pharmaceutical organizations today, as well as cryptocurrencies.

In addition, as blockchain app development companies in UK increasingly explore this exceptional technology, opportunities will be created for people with a high level of knowledge of the Blockchain programming language.


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